Repeat Reservation

Our amazing repeat (formerly weekly) reservation pricing option has been developed to save you and your client’s time. It’s the perfect solution when reservations are essential.

Why is it amazing?

  • Secures each client into the same activity spot each week until cancelled (set and forget)
  • Clients pay per fortnight or per calendar month for upcoming month’s activities
  • Clients pay based on how many activities are scheduled for the month, or a based on fixed monthly rate (per calendar month billing cycle only)
  • Set optional rates for clients who reserve 2 – 5 classes per week (e.g. $10 per class for 1 class per week, $9 per class for 2 classes per week etc.)

Plus you can also enable:

  • Auto-reminders for clients on repeat reservations to pay for their upcoming classes
  • Auto-removal of any unpaid repeat reservations on the 1st of each month
  • Auto-notifications for clients whose repeat reservation are removed due to non-payment
  • Auto debit (client’s can enable from their account)
  • Minimum commitment period to lock clients into a minimum number of payments

Pricing Options


Select the service the pricing should be valid for.

Sell Online

Choose whether the pricing should be offered / visible to the public or not.

Billing Cycle

The billing cycle for repeat reservation pricing, e.g. fortnightly or per calendar month. Configure from the My Business > Billing > Billing Cycle page.

Valid For

How long should each credit for the repeat reservation billing period be valid for, from the date of its booking.


What is the base rate that clients should pay for this pricing plan. There are two options to choose from.

  1. Per Booking: Calculates the rate payable each calendar month by multiplying the number of activities for the upcoming month with the rate per booking.
  2. Per Cycle: Bills the same fixed rate each billing cycle (e.g. fortnight or calendar month) regardless of the number of activities.

Multi Weekly

The ‘Multi Weekly’ section lets you set a different rate for clients who attend 2, 3, 4 or 5 activities per week on the repeat reservation plan. For example, if the base “rate” is set to $50 per booking for 1 activity per week in the same calendar month then you can also add:

  • $47.50 per booking for 2 activities per week (a $5 client saving per week for attending 2 activities per week in the same calendar month)
  • $45 per booking for 3 activities per week (a $15 client saving per week for attending 3 activities per week in the same calendar month)


A minimum number of client payments (commitment) can be set. Setting the minimum number of payments makes the following happen:

  • Clients can’t cancel their recurring plan until the minimum number of payments have been made.
  • If a client wants to cancel, they must contact your business which can cancel or pause the plan.
  • Clients and the business can view how many payments a client has made / has remaining.
  • Works with all payment types (credit / debit card, cash, direct debit and EFT etc).

You will be able to view the commitment period a client is on from the My Business > Billing > Outstanding page.

With Staff

Set whether this pricing should be linked to all staff members, or only some. For example you could create two credit pack pricing options, each with a different rate, for two different staff members.

Pro-Rata Billing

If you use repeat reservation with calendar month billing cycle and a flat rate, you can also bill client’s a pro rata rate if they attend fewer sessions than have been scheduled for that month.

Pro rata is calculated as ‘total billing cycle amount’ divided by ‘the number of activities for that series in that month’ multiplied by ‘the number of actual bookings for that client’.

To enable pro rata billing for repeat reservation pricing go to My Business > Billing > Pro Rata.