Waiting Lists

Waiting lists provide an opportunity to join in popular activities using your credits. If a space opens up, you will be automatically notified, and can accept or reject, as desired.

How do I join a waiting list?

To join a waiting list, go to My Credits and select Schedule. Then browse for the fully booked activity you want to join which will be labelled as Wait List and confirm.

How does it work?

If you have joined a waiting list you will be notified via email before the class start time if a vacancy becomes available. The email will give you two options, either to ‘Check Vacancy’ or ‘Reject’ the offer.

Selecting “Check Vacancy” will check that the space is still available and, if so, will confirm your booking.

If you choose to ‘Reject’ or ignore the waiting list offer, your booking will be credited back to you at the end of the day.

Similarly, if a space doesn’t become available, your booking will be credited back to you at the end of the day.